Hotel Papandayan, Bandung | 27 – 29 November 2012 | Rp. 5.000.000 / person
Organizational change, diversity and electronic communications have changed the face of the work place. Today, more than ever, success depends upon the combined cooperation, commitment and action of people-both face-to-face and across electronic and cyber channels. Our technical abilities are not enough to guarantee our success. We need to adjust and improve our personality to meet this rapidly change today’s business environment.
This workshop helps you generate opportunities, turn failure into success, generate enthusiasm and on-going motivation, helping you rise up and win by learning from defeat nurturing and promoting the leader in you. You project a successful and dynamic Personality.
- Identify the inside-out approach for success
- Comprehend the power of paradigm and the habits of mind
- Improve your personal and interpersonal habits effectively
- Develop active listening skills to really tune in to coworkers and cultivate productive relationships.
- Improve our time management by implementing the Matrix Time Management
- Increase your comfort zone by handling the social aspects of business at your level.
Supervisors, team leaders, technical professional who want to maximize their positive impact on others, enrich the quality of their relationships and increase their job effectiveness.
- Clearing beliefs, mental blocks, negative conditioning, laziness, anxiety and depression.
- How to start a conversation with a stranger, win friends and win-win relations
- Developing a positive mental attitude and creativity
- Developing Self-esteem using affirmations therapy
- SWOT analysis of self
- Assertiveness skill “don’t say Yes when you want to say No”
- Communication Skills and Body Language
- Effective time management by identifying and managing priorities
- Defining goals, setting it and how to achieve.
- Managing stress and problem solving using creative visualization and relaxation technique
- Overcoming fear of failure, fear of rejection and fear of being ridicule
- Developing Success – winning formula
- Personal grooming, social manners and social etiquette
Antonius Karya
- Date : Nov, 27 – 29,2012
- Place : Hotel Papandayan, Bandung
- Rp. 5.000.000 / person, non residential
- Facilities: Training KIT, Certificate, Hand Out, 2x Coffee Break and Lunch
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