Pipe and Fitting Identification

Pipe and Fitting Identification

Bandung | July 12-16, 2010 | Rp.8.250.000,-


Fittings plays a very important role in piping system It is impossible to construct pipe line or piping system without fittings, because pipe fabrication is limited by its length and also pipe lay out needs to deviate in direction and also needs to change in size to change the velocity or branching to many outlets. For connection to some equipments pipe needs to have a special fittings. For this reasons the knowledge of fittings is important for engineers or operators who deal with piping system.


The objective of the training is to give additional knowledge to the participants about fittings type and its function and all the requirements for its application in the piping system, including standard.


  • An overview of piping system in general
  • Types of fittings and its function
  • Fittings application and the method of joining
  • Pressure drops through fittings
  • Forces exercise on fittings
  • Standard

DR. Ir. Halim Abdurachim

DR. Ir. Halim Abdurachim graduated from Mechanical Engineering ITB. In 1980 he received his Docteur D’Etat es Science from Universite de Perpignan, France in the field of energy conservation, heat transfer and thermodynamic. He also deepened and sharpened his expertise in advanced renewable energy resource for 2 years in 1982 at ACTIM – France and Trieste- Italy. He have been giving for more than 15 years both public and in-house course to TotalFinaElf, Pertamina, PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya, PT. PENI/BP Petrochemical, PT. Pupuk Kaltim, PT. Badak NGL for the subject of heat exchanger, piping system, energy conservation techniques, energy audit, thermal isolation techniques, pump and compressor, air conditioning system, and industrial process facility. He currently is senior consultant for oil & gas , and process industry as well as senior lecturer at Mechanical Engineering ITB.

July 12-16, 2010
5 days


Tuition Fee
Rp.8.250.000,-per participant, excluding accommodation & tax.

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