Piping Design Construction and Mechanical Integrity

Piping Design Construction and Mechanical Integrity

Dafam Fortuna Hotel, Yogyakarta | 04 – 07 October 2016 | IDR 7,000,000


This course is designed to provide the participants with a complete and up-to-date overview of the Process Piping Technology .It covers Code requirements from design through start-up of new piping systems, as well as standards for inspection and repair of piping systems that have been in service, as provided in API 570, Piping Inspection Code and API 579 Fitness for Service. General topics in the course include: Overview of ASME B 31.3 code, pressure design of piping components, selection of flanges, flexibility considerations, materials, impact testing, fabrication, examination and testing. The course further provides concepts and methods for assuring the mechanical integrity of existing piping systems. It presents a thorough understanding of how the methodology of API 570 as well as API 579 can be applied for assessing the present structural integrity of the piping component, and deciding its fitness for continued service as well as the projected remaining life. It also suggests remedial measures for mitigation of damage and thus extend the life of the Piping System.


This course provides an overview of all significant aspects and considerations of piping for those who are involved in the design, analysis, fabrication, installation, and maintenance of piping systems. Engineers, Senior Draftsmen, Inspection, maintenance, and quality assurance personnel who work in the Chemical, Petroleum, Utilities, Petrochemical Plants, Fertilizer Plants etc, will find it a time-saving means to broaden and update their knowledge of piping. Those are involved in Asset Integrity Management and Fitness For Service assessments will find the course most valuable.


  1. To familiarize participants with the main concepts,of the B 31.3 code.
  2. To provide participants step-by step approach in use of B 31.3 code for Design, fabrication, installation, inspection and testing.
  3. How to Conduct and certify the pressure testing.
  4. To learn the mode of deterioration of piping systems and pipelines
  5. Be able to recognize causes of degradation in-service, and apply integrity analysis techniques to make run-repair-replace decisions.
  6. To know about pipeline inspection and also how to evaluate and analyze the Inspection data
  7. To know how to calculate corrosion rate, interval of inspection and similar parameters of piping inspection
  8. To learn different methods of piping and pipeline repairs, alteration and rerating
  9. The participant will be introduced to the latest techniques in piping and pipeline integrity


  1. Piping Codes Overview, ASME B 31.3
  2. Fluid service categories
  3. Pressure Design of Pipes.
  4. Pressure Design of Blanks
  5. Case studies on Pipe Design
  6. Branches and reinforcements
  7. Pipe Material Requirements
  8. Impact testing requirements
  9. Preheating and PWHT
  10. Fabrication and welding
  11. Inspection, Examination and Testing
  12. NDT of Piping System
  13. Pressure testing of pipes
  14. Piping Thermal Expansion
  15. Flanges ASME B 16.5
  16. In-service Degradation of pipes
  17. API 570 methodology for Integrity assessment
  18. Remaining life assessment
  19. Repairs and alterations piping system
  20. Pipe retirement thickness
  21. Re-rating of Existing piping
  22. Integrity assessment of buried piping
  23. Evaluation of Inspection data
  24. API 579 fitness-for-service assessment procedure
  25. Concept of Remaining strength factor
  26. Assessment of general metal loss
  27. Assessment of crack-like flaws
  28. Documentation and Records
  29. Final Exam and feed back


  • Presentation
  • Discuss
  • Case Study
  • Evaluation
  • Simulation


Dafam Fortuna Hotel Jl. Dagen 60 Malioboro Yogyakarta,

  • 4 – 7 October 2016
  • 4 days (08 am – 04 pm)


Teguh Pudji Purwanto, Ir, MT
Teguh Pudji Purwanto experienced more than 26 years in mechanical industry.


IDR 7,000,000.00 per participant non residential


Module / Handout



Training Kit



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