Preventive Maintenance of Electrical Equipment
Hotel IBIS, Yogyakarta | 6-8 Maret 2012 | 08.00 – 16.00 WIB | Rp.7.000.000/orang
Preventive Maintenance bukan merupakan konsep baru. Orang yang telah melakukan pekerjaan Preventive Maintenance pada motor, mesin dan sistem mekanis lainnya beberapa dekade. Banyak kerugian yang akan dialami jika sistem distribusi listrik tidak cukup dipertahankan. Siklus beban listrik antara permintaan tinggi dan rendah, ekspansi termal dan koneksi menyebabkan loosconnections. Panel listrik yang tidak pernahdibersihkan menumpuk debu dan kotoran yang tersimpan pada koneksi ini, sambungan longgar dan kotor menyebabkan high resistance path yang secara langsung bertanggung jawab untuk lebih dari 30 persen dari kegagalan listrik, juga menurut hasil survey 17% dari kegagalan listrik berkaitan dengan komponen listrik terkena air. Dengan program pemeliharaan listrik yang komprehensif pencegahan kedua kondisi tersebut yang mencakup hampir separuh dari semua kerugian listrik dapat diperbaiki.
- Describe various equipment used for power monitoring.
- Recognize the cause and source of power system disturbances.
- Explain how to mitigate any existing and potential problems, thereby minimizing equipment disoperation and process downtime.
- Analyze types of electrical systems loads and their power quality considerations.
- Calculate harmonic voltages and currents
1. Introduction to Power Quality Analysis
- Review of Industrial Power Systems Concepts
- Power Quality Definitions
- Equipment Ratings
- Effects of Disturbances on Equipment and Processes
2. Industry Commitment to Power Quality
- IEEE Standards and Recommendations
- EPRI Survey Results
3. Harmonics
- Sources of Harmonics
- Symptoms and Effect on Equipment
- Power Factor Capacitors and Resonance
- Harmonic Limitations (IEEE Standard 519)
- Series Resonance and Filter Design
- Third Harmonic Neutral Current
4. Calculation of Harmonic Voltages and Currents
- System Harmonic Models
- The Current Injection Method
- Frequency Response Modeling
5. Grounding
- Types of Grounding
- Arcing Ground Faults
- Symptoms of Ineffective Grounding
- Electronics and Computer Grounding
6. Voltage Disturbances
- Lightning
- System Switching
- System Faults
- Sags
- Swells
7. Measurement Techniques
- IEEE Emerald Book -Conducting Site Surveys
- Manufacturers’ Terminology
- Grounding Measurements
- Disturbance Measurements
- Waveform Signatures
8. Mitigation Techniques
- K-Factor Transformers
- Power Line Conditioners
This course is intended for graduate engineers or personnel with equivalent work experience in electrical power systems.
- Dr. Suharyanto, ST, M.Eng
- (Expert in Power Engineering)
Time & Venue
- Tanggal (3 days training)
- 6-8 Maret 2012
- Pukul : 08.00 – 16.00 WIB
- Tempat : Hotel IBIS Yogyakarta
Course Fee
- Rp. 7.000.000 per peserta ( Non Residensial) Minimum 3 peserta
- Rp. 6.500.000 per peserta ( Non Residensial) pendaftaran dalam bentuk group ( 5 peserta atau lebih dari perusahaan yang sama)
- ·Module / Handout
- ·Flashdisk softcopy Materi
- Sertifikat
- Bag or bagpackers
- Training Kit
- 2xCoffe Break & 1 Lunch
- Souvenir
- Airport pickup service