Bandung | October 26 – 28, 2015 | Rp 9.500.000 




Reliability growth analysis is the process of collecting, modeling, analyzing and interpreting data from the reliability growth development test program (development testing). In addition, reliability growth analysis can be done for data collected from the field (fielded systems). Fielded systems also include the ability to analyze data of complex repairable systems. Depending on the metric(s) of interest and the data collection method, different models can be utilized (or developed) to analyze the growth processes.


After completion of this program participants will:

Analyze data from developmental tests in order to quantify reliability growth and determine the feasibility of achieving reliability goals with a given test/fix strategy.

Analyze data from fielded systems in order to calculate optimum overhaul times and other results without the detailed data sets that would normally be required for repairable system analysis.


1. Reliability Growth Management and Planning

  • Reliability Management Strategy Terms and Concepts in Design and Testing
  •   Developing A Program’s Idealized Growth Curves
  •   Developing A Program’s Planned Growth Curve
  • Estimating the Reliability at the Start of Growth Testing
  • Estimating the System’s Maximum Reliability or Growth Potential
  • Assigning Reliability Growth Fix Effectiveness Factor in Planning Stage
  •  Managing Reliability Growth Using Type A and Type B Failure Mode Methodology

2.     Reliability Growth Analysis, Implementation and Strategy Management

  • Duane Reliability Growth Postulate
  • Crow (AMSAA) Reliability Growth Tracking Model (Continuous Data, One Shot data, Grouped data when Failure Times are not Known, Intervals With Missing Data)
  • Crow Extended Model for Projections on Proposed Future Corrective Actions
  • Estimating Reliability Growth Across Test Phases
  • Reliability Growth Confidence Intervals and Goodness of Fit Tests
  • Estimating Reliability Growth Fix Effectiveness Factors from Data
  • Estimating Growth Rates and the System’s Reliability Growth Potential
  • Changing Management Strategy Based on Data to Attain Requirements and Goals

3.     Repairable System Analysis

  • Evaluating the Reliability of Repairable Systems Using Operational Test Data or Field Customer Use Data Based on Power Law Model
  • Methods For Warranty Analysis for Repairable Systems
  • Optimum Replacement and Overhaul Analysis Methods for Fielded, Repairable Systems
  •  Reliability Confidence Intervals for Fielded, Repairable Systems
  • Analyzing the Overall Reliability Trend for a Fleet of Systems
  • Methods to Evaluate the Reliability Growth for Fielded Systems Based On Proposed Upgrades, Product Improvements or Corrective Actions.


  •   Maintenance Engineer/Superintendent/Supervisor
  • Rotating Engineer/Superintendent/Supervisor
  •  Power Plant Engineer/Superintendent/Supervisor
  •  Manufacturing Manager


Ir. Ating Sudradjat, M.Sc.was graduated from Industrial Engineering Department of ITB. For the time being, he became a lecturer in Polytechnic Education Development Centre, Bandung (1984-1995), and Politeknik Negeri Bandung, formerly known as Politeknik ITB (1995-present).

Other than as a lecturer, he is also a consultant and trainer. His topic such as: Preventive and Predictive Maintenance, Logistic System, Maintenance System, Data Base System for Mechanical Engineering, Total Productive Maintenance, Bearing and Lubrication System, Planning and Scheduling Maintenance, Risk Based Inspection, Risk Management in Engineering, Heavy Duty Equipment Maintenance Management, Reliability and Availability Maintenance System, Crane Operation, Maintenance and Safety, etc.



      Integrated Quality Training Material (HARDCOPY AND SOFTCOPY) & Quality Training Kits will be delivered on registration, additional papers & handouts assignment .

      Note-taking by participants is encouraged. However, to ensure free and open discussions, no formal records will be kept.


All attendees will receive a Certificate of Appreciation attesting to their participation in the Training.  This certificate will be providing in exchange for a completed Training Questionnaire.


Casual Clothing is recommended. The Training atmosphere is informal


Registration Fee (EXcluced 10% tax)

  • Rp. 9.500.000,-/ Participant
  • Rp. 9.000.000,-/ Participants for 3 or more participants from 1 Company
  • Rp. 8.500.000,-/ Participants for 5 or more participants from 1 Company


  • Four-days registration fee for all Training sessions
  • Lunch per day
  • Daily coffee/tea breaks
  • Integrated Quality Training Materials (SOFTCOPY AND HARDCOPY)
  • Quality Training Kits
  • Convenience Training Facilities
  • Certificate of Compleción


  • Registration Form MUST be return in advance for attending the Training
  • Full fixed fee is charged regardless of the length of time that registrant attends the Training
  •  Attendees are expected to attend all Training sessions and are not permitted to attend on a partial basis.


  •   Cancellation received after the registration deadline, entitles the registrant to pay 25% from total payment.
  • Cancellation on the date will be recharged 100% from the fee
  •  No refund will be issued, if a registrant fails to show up at the Training on-site

Formulir Permintaaan Informasi Lanjutan / Pra-Pendaftaran Public Training
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  11. PRE REGISTRATION DATA (Tidak Mengikat)
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