Hotel Golden Flower Bandung | 28 Februari – 01 Maret 2012 | Rp 5.250.000/person
Hotel Golden Flower Bandung | 19 – 21 September 2012 | Rp 5.250.000/person


Conflict is all around us, especially during tough business periods where resources are tight and tempers are shorter-but most people lack basic conflict management skills. Rather than react to conflict on a purely emotional level, learn to manage disputes and disagreements positively and proactively.
Conflict management training will teach you to recognize the causes of interpersonal conflict. Become aware of your emotional triggers to prevent explosive situations. Learn new strategies of conflict management that will improve your communication performance, and ultimately increase the success of your business initiatives.


  • Gain a new understanding of conflict
  • Understand your own conflict patterns
  • Improve your listening and communication skills
  • Learn to “read” conflicts by developing a “conflict map”
  • Practice effective methods of intervention and conflict management


  • Clarify and Expand Your Thinking About Conflict
  • Identify Underlying Causes of, and New Ways to Respond to and Manage, Conflict
  • Respond to Conflict Rather Than React to It
  • Map a Conflict and Read the Map to Gain Insight into It in Order to Create Ways to Manage It
  • Draw on the Experiences of Others to Validate or to Expand Your Own Approach to Conflict
  • Comfortably Practice Various Techniques, Strategies, Approaches and Models, Adding Flexibility to Your Own Behavior
  • Apply the Ideas, Techniques and Approaches from the Seminar to Situations Beyond the Classroom
  • Implement Flexible Strategies to Improve Your Communication and to Respond to Conflict

1.    Developing Conflict Awareness

  • Conflict vs. disagreement
  • The five stages of conflict development
  • Barriers to conflict management

2.    Responding to Conflict

  • Identify and understand your own conflict behavior
  • Apply active listening skills for conflict management

3.    Different Approaches to Conflict Management

  • The five-step “conflict map”
  • What conflict management strategy is right for you?
  • Content vs. relationship conflicts
  • Why not to ask “why

4.    Conflict Management Strategies

  • The four Cs: competence, credibility, care, communication
  • How to reinstate trust
  • How to become solution-focused not problem-focused

5.    Moving Beyond Conflict

  • Difficult people vs. difficult behavior
  • Asserting yourself
  • Coping with resistance
  • Saying “no” assertively

6.    Mapping the Conflict

  • Conflict management mapping in five steps, from positions to solutions
  • Explore a conflict from various viewpoints
  • Determine common ground in a conflict
  • Generate and implement goal-oriented alternatives

7.    Trust in Minimizing Conflict

  • Learn key conflict management fundamentals for building trust
  • Discover how trust is lost and how it’s reestablished
  • Develop win-win solutions: interests vs. positions

8.    Dealing with Difficult Behavior

  • Differentiate between difficult people and difficult behavior
  • Discover a two-step process for handling passive and aggressive behaviors
  • Learn to create a viable alternative to group conflict

9.    Thunderstorms

  • Address your own “thunderstorms” (emotionally explosive tense conflicts)
  • Apply appropriate conflict management strategies through role-plays

1.    Developing Conflict Awareness

  • Explain What You Need from This Seminar as Well as What You Are Willing to Contribute to the Group
  • Illustrate, with Examples, How Conflict Can Be Positive and, When Left Unmanaged, Can be Negative
  • Explain the Difference Between Disagreement and Conflict
  • Orally Describe a Conflict as It Goes Through the Five Stages
  • Explain the Role of “Feelings” in Moving Disagreement into a Conflict
  • Describe Barriers to Managing and Resolving Conflict

2.    Responding to Conflict

  • Demonstrate a Belief That Each Person Is Responsible and in Charge of Their Own Feelings and Behaviors
  • Explain How Emotional Intelligence Relies on People Tuning in to Their Own Feelings and the Feelings of Others
  • Apply the P-U-R-R Model to Demonstrate Understanding and Application
  •  Summarize Content and Feelings from Conversations
  • Apply the Validating Process
  • Explain That Meaning Often Comes from the Context of the Relationship Rather Than the Intrinsic Definition of the Words We Use

3.    Different Ways to Manage Conflict Productively

  • Explain the “Gender Trend” in Conflict
  • Detail the Four Steps of the “Zip the Lip” Technique
  • Discuss How Conflict in Relationships in Contrast with Conflict About Content Should Be Handled
  • Explain Why the “Why” Should Be Avoided in Managing a Conflict
  • Analyze a Case to Synthesize the Information Presented and to Evaluate Alternate Ways to Handle the Problem Presented
  • Evaluate Possible Solutions, Create a Solution and Role-Play Its Application

4.    Conflict Strategies

  • Identify Your Preferred Strategy (ies) for Responding to Conflict
  • Demonstrate an Understanding of All Five Conflict Strategies By Identifying Each Style in Action
  • Analyze Given Examples and Recommend Appropriate Strategies to Minimize or Manage the Conflict
  • Exclude Inappropriate Strategies, Demonstrating an Understanding of When to Use Each Strategy for Maximum Results
  • Implement Each of the Five Conflict Strategies in Role-Play Situations

5.    Moving Beyond Conflict

  • Differentiate Among Passive, Assertive and Aggressive Behavior
  • Name and Exemplify the Six Assertiveness Skills Presented in the Video, When I Say “No,” I Feel Guilty
  • Use “I-Messages” to Assertively Express Yourself
  • Demonstrate How to Turn Potential Disagreements Into Discussions By Applying the “Model to Disagree”
  • Say “No” Assertively
  • Detoxify Emotional Statements and Devise Alternative Ways to Express the Message Behind the Emotional Statement

6.    The Role of Trust in Minimizing Conflict

  • Describe the Four “Cs” as the Cornerstones of Building Trust
  • Explain How Trust Is Lost and Regained, and How Transparency Validates Trust
  • Identify Interests Behind Positions
  • Apply the Suggestions of the Positive Confrontation Tips

7.    Mapping the Conflict

  • Map a Conflict Through the Five Steps By Applying the Model and the Worksheets to a Selected Conflict
  • Explore a Given Conflict from Various “Viewing Points”
  • Separate Interests from Positions in a Specific Conflict
  • Select an Appropriate Conflict Strategy Depending on a Goal
  • Demonstrate the Implementation of the Chosen Conflict Strategy in a Role Play

8.    Dealing with Difficult Behavior

  • Explain the Difference Between Difficult People and Difficult Behavior
  • Demonstrate an Understanding of Effectively Handling Passive Behavior
  • Demonstrate the Two-Step Process of Handling Passive or Aggressive Behavior
  • Analyze Intra Divisional Conflict and Create a Viable Alternative to Handle That Conflict
  • Demonstrate Mastery of the Conflict Strategy Chosen

9.    Thunderstorms

  • Apply a Combination of Skills, Techniques and Ideas Presented Throughout This Seminar in Participant-Generated Conflicts (Called Thunderstorms)
  • Demonstrate the Application of Appropriate Conflict Strategies to Address These Thunderstorms
  •  Integrate Understandings, Learning and Skill Development During Thunderstorm Role Plays

Business professionals who want to expand their conflict management skills, understand their own emotions and behaviors when addressing conflict and find productive ways to manage conflict.


Ir. Iim Takwim, MM. dan  Achmad Fadjar, SE, MM.Ak

Ir. Iim Takwim, MM,  sarjana lulusan Universitas Pasundan adalah Ketua Program Studi Teknik Industri pada STT Jabar serta Lecture  of  Production System, Management Information System, Simulation System, Product Design System, Product Design of Facilities, Research of Operation,  System of  Performances  Analysis, Feasibility Study of  Industries, Inventory Control and Network Planning, Performance and Productivites of Management Industries. Begitu banyak  pengalaman  profesi beliau di berbagai  bidang  industri , antara lain :

  • Production System & Procedures Plan of Manufacturing   at PT. IPTN
  • Technical Staff  of Industrial Engineering Division at PT. IPTN (Sub-Contractors,   Off-Load and Industrial Domestic Guidance
  • Assisstant  Manager of HRD  of  Textile Industry
  • Manager of Production in Garments Industry at PT. Fit-U
  • Production Manager and Junior Consultan of ISO 9001

Berbagai  topic Training dan  Scientific Work beliau,  antara lain :
–    Instructure Bar-chat and  Line Balancing Job Establishment and Grading System
–    Awareness and Introduction of   ISO 9001 : 2000 (QMS)
–    Junior of  Management Representative ISO 9001 : 2000 of Production
–    Iron Casting Technology at IRDMMI/MIDC and JICA-Jepang
–    Management Strategi and Competency
–    Total Quality Management
–    Logistic and Supply Change Management (SCM)
–    Integreted System of Industrial Management
–    Cost Of Project  and Tools Management
–    Corporate Social Responsibility
–    Six and Lean Sigma
–    Competency Of Professional-SDM, serta banyak lagi lainnya.

Achmad Fadjar, SE, MM.Ak, sarjana dan master lulusan Universitas Padjadjaran  adalah  praktisi serta konsultan senior dalam bidang Akunting, Finance, Marketing dan HR Training & Development. Telah lebih dari sepuluh tahun beliau sebagai praktisi dan pengajar, telah banyak membantu para klien dalam membuka wawasan dan menyelesaikan tugas-tugas pekerjaan dengan effective dan effisien. Pengalaman sekian lama  telah mengantar beliau dalam penguasaan berbagai topic ilmu antara lain Effective Presentation & Negotiation Skill,  Interpersonal Skill and Communication Skill , Leadership & Team Development for Management Success ,  SDM Berbasis Kompetensi , Outsourcing Management, Tender & Contract System , Financial & Budgeting serta banyak lagi topik lainnya.
Beberapa klien/ user yang pernah mengunakan jasa beliau : PT. Timah Tbk. PT Arun LNG, PT. Batu Bara Bukit Kendi, PT. Petrosea Tbk. , PT. Chevron Pacific Ind.,  PT. Freeport Ind.  PT. Banpu ( Infocomindo ),  PT. Medco E&P,  PT. Semen Gresik   ( persero ) Tbk.  Petrochina Int’l,   PT. Vico Indonesia,  Pertamina,  Cnooc Ses Ltd.,  PT. British Petroleum, BP Migas,  PT. Pupuk Kaltim,  PT. Badak NGL,  PT. Inco Ind. Tbk.  PT. Nusa Halmahera,  PT. Kaltim Pacific Amoniak,  PT. Surveyor Ind.  PT. Samindo Utama Kaltim,  PT. Lekomaras,  PT. Nusa Halmahera Mineral,  PT. Pusri, PT. Kaltim Prima Coal ( KPC ),  PLN,  UTSG,  HESS Indonesia Pangkah Ltd, PT. Aneka Tambang, PT. Adaro Indonesia, PT. Puncak Jaya Power, PT.  Sandvick SMC, PT. Rekayasa Industri, PT. Kideco Jaya Agung, PT. RedPath Indonesia, PT. Kitadin Embalut, PT. Indominco, PT. Centra Indo Teknik, PT. Arutmin, PT RedPath Indonesia, PT. Bama Bumi Sentosa,  PT. Santos, PT. Indomuro Kencana Straits, PT. Jasindo, PT. Krakatau Wajatama,  PT. Citic Seram Energi, PT. Kaltim Prima Industri, PT. Connoco Phillips Indonesia, Total E & P Indonesie, PT Energi Sengkang, PT. Hexindo,  PT. Turbaindo Coal Mining, PT Berau Coal, Poltek Bengkalis,PT. Bank Mandiri, PT. Angkasa Pura 2, Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands, PT.  Inspindo Mulia, Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ Ltd., UNDP, dll.


Hotel Golden Flower Bandung


3 days


  • 28 Februari – 01 Maret 2012
  • 19 – 21 September 2012


  • Rp 5.250.000/person (full fare)  atau
  • Rp 5.000.000/person (early bird, yang membayar sebelum tanggal  11 Oktober 2010) atau
  • Rp 4.750.000/person (peserta bergroup 3 orang atau lebih dari 1 perusahaan yang sama)


  1. Training Module
  2. Training CD Contains Training Material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. Jacket or Waistcoat
  6. Bag or Backpackers
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training Room with Full AC Facilities and multimedia
  9. Once lunch and twice coffeebreak every day of training
  10. Qualified  instructor
  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from venue of training(if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)

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