Service Crucial For Managers

Service Crucial For Managers :  Inspire Managers  to Inspire Staff

Hotel / Apartemen Batavia, Jakarta | 3 September 2013 | Rp 1.750.000


Energize your Managers to create an environment that works for your customers and your staf. Managers set the stage for customer service excellence. This comprehensive training process will build the infrastructure for excellent service

For half-day training modules include:

Management’s role is to model essential practices that are exemplary for the front line staff . Your managers will master the following essential practices :

  • Generating a spirit of service
  • Leading by example
  • Developing your people
  • Building trust
  • Focus the organization on customer needs


Module 2 :  

Managing feedback and module

  • Organizations renown for customer service excellence take feedback from customers and front line staff seriously! Managers will master the skills to manage feedback and communication thus improving your service and your business.
  • Build systems for getting customer and staff feedback
  • Create strategies for responding to feedback
  • Generate positive energy through feedback


Module 3 :

Measuring service
Do you know what is most important to your customers about your service? Are you measuring it? Your managers will master a simple yet comprehensive approach to measuring service that will excite people.

  • Design measures for service areas that are important to your customers
  • Build measurement into organizational and staff performance
  • Make measurement fun and motivating for everyone


Module 4 :

Recognizing excellence! communication!
Staf recognition is often the first to falter when the going gets rough. Many times managers don’t have the skills or the time to recognize others. Your managers will master the skills of recognition, both formal and informal, and create strategies to build excellence into performance.

  •  Identify what people value about working for you
  • Develop service standards & build them into jobs
  •  Energize staf to delight customers through effective recognition


Irfan Prasatya
Irfan Prasatya adalah praktisi yang sangat berpengalaman di bidang Leadership, HRD dan Service Excellence selama lebih dari 20 tahun, Berbagai posisi manajerial di berbagai perusahaan ternama pernah beliau jalani
antara lain: Personnel Manager Hyatt Regency Hotel Bandung, Training Manager Bintan Lagoon Resort, Training Manager PT. TNT Express and Logistics Indonesia, Corporate Director of Human Resources and Quality
Assurance, PT Sobek Bali Utama, PT. Bali Berpetualang Dialam, PT. Taman Burung Citra Bali International. serta General Manager HR dan GA, di Grup Restoran terkemuka (Mr. Baso, PT. Rice Bowl, Gloria Jeans Coff e). Kompetensi Irfan dalam mengajar berbagai topik service didukung oleh pengalamannya yang pernah

berkarir sebagai Training Consultant di Service Quality Centre Indonesia (SQCI). Saat ini Irfan merupakan trainer professional untuk topik Leadership , Service Excellence, Communication Skills ,Team Building serta Presentation Skills. Beberapa perusahaaan yang pernah menjadi klien beliau antara lain ; Bank Mandiri, Bank Permata, Bank Danamon, Bank CIMB Niaga, BNI, Bank UOB Buana, Bank Indonesia, Bintang Tujuh,Oracle, Coca-Cola, Nestle, Alila Hotel, RS Pluit, Pertamina Hospital, Conoco Philips, Telkomsel, Bea Cukai, HM. Sampoerna , Bakrie Brothers,Gandum Mas Kencana, Grage Hotel Cirebon, RS Pertamina, RS Pantai Indah Kapuk, Cussons,The Harvest, Water Boom, Sriwijaya Air,Yamaha Music Manufacturing, PT Daya Adira Mustika, PT Indomaret , PT Wartsila, PT. South Pacifi c Viscose, PT Tota Indonesia, PT Indonesia Power, PT Allstom, PT Metrodata, PT Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper, PT Waterbom, PT Bintang Tujuh Irfan Prasatya adalah lulusan Hotel Manajemen dan Ilmu Sosial Politik serta mendalami Metodologi Pendidikan dan Pelatihan dari International Training Centre, di Turino, Italia.

Investasi & Registrasi

  • Early Bird 20 Agustus 2013 : Rp 1.500.000,- /peserta
  • Full fare 3 September 2013 : Rp 1.750.000,- /peserta


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