Shaft Alignment

Shaft Alignment

Yogyakarta /Bali/Jakarta  | 11-13 September 2012 | 08.00 – 16.00 WIB | Fee : Menyesuaikan tempat
Yogyakarta /Bali/Jakarta  | 23-25 Oktober 2012 | 08.00 – 16.00 WIB | Fee : Menyesuaikan tempat
Yogyakarta /Bali/Jakarta  | 20-22 November 2012 | 08.00 – 16.00 WIB | Fee : Menyesuaikan tempat
Yogyakarta /Bali/Jakarta  | 11-13 Desember 2012 | 08.00 – 16.00 WIB | Fee : Menyesuaikan tempat



Cost efficiency of plant machinery in today’s market place is increasingly important. Consequently, the need for machinery to perform consistently and without breakdown increases accordingly.

One of the most important aspects of rotating machinery reliability is to ensure that the rotating shafts of two or more connected machines are as perfectly aligned as possible.

If the shafts are misaligned then vibration, wear and subsequent failure of bearings, couplings and seals will rapidly follow.

This course will provide practical training on the main alignment techniques including Reverse Alignment and Laser Alignment.


  • To ensure that the attendees will understand the concepts of alignment and misalignment and of ensuring that misalignment is eliminated whenever possible.
  • To have a full comprehension of the consequences of misalignment and be able to describe them.
  • To ensure that they recognize and are able to describe the types of misalignment which can occur.
  • To be able to describe and carry out pre-alignment procedure checks.
  • To be able to carry out the graphical reverse alignment procedure and attain an alignment of +/- 0.002 T.I.R.
  • To be able to describe the concept of desired alignment and be able to plot graphs in order to carry out the procedure.
  • To be able to describe the concept of hot alignment and be able to plot graphs in order to carry out the procedure.

Course Content

  • An explanation of the concepts of misalignment and alignment.
  • Recognizing machinery problems which can occur because of misalignment.
  • Recognizing the types of misalignment.
  • Describe alignment procedures.
  • Describe the tools and equipment used to perform alignment.
  • Methods of carrying out alignment.
  • Pre-alignment checks :
  1.  Sag
  2. Soft Foot
  3. Run-out
  4. Mechanical Looseness
  5. Motor Magnetic Centre
  6.  Piping Strain
  • Prepare graphs for graphic cold reverse alignment.
  1. Plot vertical readings.
  2. Plot horizontal readings
  • Perform cold graphic alignment without error.
  • Prepare graphs for desired readings
  1. Plot vertical readings.
  2. Plot horizontal readings
  • Prepare graphs for graphic hot alignment
  1. Plot vertical readings.
  2.  Plot horizontal readings
  • Conduct laser alignment using Pruftechnik Laser Alignment Equipment


The course is targeted at technicians involved in the operation and maintenance of all plant rotating machinery. The primary function is to provide them with the knowledge and practical training to carry out reverse graphic alignment without error. The course is an essential preliminary step before embarking upon laser alignment techniques.


Ir. Teguh Pudji Purwanto, MT

Time & Venue

  • Tanggal   :
    • 11-13 September 2012
    • 23-25 Oktober 2012
    • 20-22 November 2012
    • 11-13 Desember 2012
  • Pukul       : 08.00 – 16.00 WIB

Course Fee

  • Yogyakarta 7.000.000/peserta
  • Bali  11.000.000
  •  Jakarta 7.500.000/peserta

Meeting room, Module / Handout, Training Kit, Souvenir & Certificate

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