Hotel UNY, Yogyakarta | Selasa-Kamis , 1 – 3 Oktober 2013 | Rp. 7.500.000 per peserta
This course aims to fully equip women managers with the strategic, analytical and behavioural skills necessary to successfully lead staff through the challenges facing their organisations in the 21st century. It focuses on how women in management positions can maximise their contribution to organisations by building a higher degree of leadership skills. Delegates will develop a broad range of key leadership and management skills.
- Describe changing models of leadership and management relevant to today’s senior woman manager
- Improve your strategic awareness and apply the skills more readily
- Contribute fully and with greater preparedness to senior meetings
- Anticipate changes that must be made and develop comprehensive strategies to implement them
- Enhance your ability to motivate your team and encourage higher levels of performance from them
- Build a support strategy and network to sustain your ongoing development
- Developing leadership capacity: models, styles and skills
- Strategic planning and management
- Stakeholder analysis, situational analysis, determining priorities
- Managing organisational change
- Changing working culture
- Performance management
- Working more effectively with organisational power and politics
- Leadership from the inside out: developing your internal resources
- Motivational techniques: coaching, counselling and effectively communicating with your staff
- Leading and managing high performing teams
- Time management
- Work-life balance
M R Agustina Puspitasari, M.Psi
Magister Profesi Psikologi, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta, Bidang Mayor : Psikologi Industri & Organisasi. Psikolog, Konsultan & Trainer instansi dan Pemerintahan. Direktur PT Mitra Optima Talenta. Konsultan pada CV. CELOS INDONESIA. Koordinator bidang Internal, Lembaga Penanggulangan Bencana Alam ”Crisis & Recovery Center (CRC)”. Project Development pada COCD (Center for Culture Organizational Development) – PT Mitra Budi Mulia Jakarta. Teste, Assesor & Potential Review. Rekrutmen anggota Lembaga Ombudsman Daerah dan Swasta. Penyusunan Balanced Scorecard dan Manajemen penilaian kinerja. Penyusunan Alat Ukur Kinerja dengan model Key Performance Indicator. Penyusunan Alat Ukur Kinerja dengan model Behavioral Anchor Rating Scale.
- Hotel UNY Yogyakarta
- Selasa-Kamis , 1 – 3 Oktober 2013
- 08.00 – 16.00 WIB