Jakarta | 14 – 16 Desember 2015 | Rp 5.000.000

Jadwal Training 2016

Jakarta | 10 – 12 Februari 2016 | Rp 5.000.000
Jakarta | 27 – 29 April 2016 | Rp 5.000.000
Jakarta | 16 – 18 Juni 2016 | Rp 5.000.000

Jadwal Training 2016 Selanjutnya …



Training Objectives Software Architecture

To give the participants understanding of the concept of software architecture and how this phase in the development between requirement specification and detailed design plays a central role for the success of a software system.

The participants will get knowledge of some well-known architecture patterns, and be able to design, construct and evaluate architectures for software systems.

 In addition, the participants should get some understanding of how the developers experiences and the technical and organizational environment will influence on the choice of architecture.


Training Descriptions Software Architecture

Software architecture has become an area of intense research in the software engineering community. A number of architecture modeling notations and support tools, as well as new architectural styles, have emerged.

The focus of architecture-based software development is shifted from lines-of-code to coarser-grained building blocks and their overall interconnection structure.

 Explicit focus on architecture has shown tremendous potential to improve the current state-of-the-art in software development and alleviate many of its problems.

This course will expose participants to the concepts, principles, and state-of- the-art methods in software architecture, including domain-specific software architectures (DSSA), architectural styles, architecture description languages (ADL), software connectors, dynamism in architectures, and architecture-based testing and analysis.

In the process of studying these concepts, we will make explicit the boundaries of the field and discuss its relationship to other areas of software engineering, specifically requirements.

In addition to foundations, and practical experience with software architecture, the class will also introduce the participants to the state-of-the-art in software architecture research, future trends and state-of-the-practice.


Target Audience Software Architecture

  • Application Developer
  • Application / software  Designer
  • Application integration engineer
  •  Functional Specialist
  •  MIS Manager
  • Project Manager


Course Contents and Descriptions Software Architecture


  • Software architecture terminology; architecture in the system development life cycle; architecture dimensions; physical versus logical architectures

Architectural Viewtypes and Styles

  • Module view types and styles; component-and-connector view types and styles; allocation view types and styles; architecture patterns and frameworks.

Application Architectures

  • Centralized versus distributed architectures; distributed architectures including client server, peer-to-peer, and push

Data Architectures

  • Centralized versus distributed databases; relational versus object oriented databases

Middleware Technologies

  • Remote procedure calls; object middleware including DCOM and CORBA

Middleware Technologies

  • Remote procedure calls; object middleware including DCOM and CORBA

Web-Based Architectures

  • Enterprise Java Beans architectures; Microsoft .NET architectures


  • Product line architectures; enterprise application integration architectures

Case Studies

  • Case-based discussions will be conducted with topics related to the subjects of training


Trainer Software Architecture

Dr. Ir. Fauzi Hasan, MM, MBA

Dr. Fauzi Hasan Pada saat ini adalah President American Academy untuk Chapter Indonesia yang melingkupi American Academy of Project Management dan American Academy of Finance Management yang berpusasat di Colorado Spring, Colorado USA.

Pengalaman Dr. Fauzi Hasan diperkaya dengan keterlibatannya pada beberapa proyek terkait Business Process Modeling dan Improvement yang selaras dengan standard dan metodologi CMMI (Capability Maturity Model and Integration), dimana dalam akhir dekade ini banyak membantu organisasi Pemerintah dan Bank dalam membangun dan mengimplementasi Crisis Management Strategy seperti pembuatan BCP (Business Continuity Plan) dan DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan).

Dr. Fauzi Hasan telah memberikan  kontribusi langsung untuk penyelesaian dan keberhasilan penerapan Frameworks dan Best Practices seperti: ITIL, COBIT, PMBOK, Prince2, TOGAF, ISO 20000, ISO 27000, ISO 38500, COSO dan yang lain  diberbagai bidang industri. Sebagai seorang profesioal yang kompeten di bidang teknologi informasi, manajemen proyek dan proses bisnis ini dibuktikan dengan dimilikinya sejumlah sertifikat Internasional terkait tata kelola teknologi informasi dan industri (IT and Industrial Goverannce).

Dr. Fauzi Hasan dalam karirnya sebagai executive telah bekerja di beberapa perusahaan lokal maupun internasional seperti: Philips Netherlands, Sony , Warner Lambert, Singapore Technology Logistics, Hewlett-Packard,  EMTEK Group, Intergraph,  Jatis eCom-Sumitomo Group, dan ERESHA Group.


Jadwal Pelatihan:

  • 10 – 12 Februari 2016
  • 27 – 29 April 2016
  • 16 – 18 Juni 2016
  • 04 – 06 Agustus 2016
  • 06 – 08 Oktober 2016
  • 14 – 16 Desember 2016


Investasi Training Software Architecture

  • Rp 5.000.000,-
  • termasuk ( Souvenir, Flash disk, materi hand-out dan CD modul, 2x coffee break, makan siang dan sertifikat )


Tempat :

Hotel Harris Tebet, Jl. Dr. Sahardjo No. 191 – Jakarta Selatan



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