Wisma MM UGM Yogyakarta | September, 13th – 15th 2011 | IDR 6.750.000,- / participant (non residential)
Description & Tujuan
Pelatihan ini didesain untuk memberikan landasan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam menganalisa financial dan bisnis secara menyeluruh. Selain itu juga didesain untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam mengidentifikasi tingkat resiko bisnis, menganalisa kinerja perusahaan serta menentukan dan menilai strategi bisnis
Tujuan dari pelatihan ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan dalam:
- Mengaplikasikan financial analysis dan forecasting techniques
- Mengidentifikasikan dan mengevaluasi key bussiness dan enviromental risk
- Memberikan teknik yang advance dalam menganalisa cashflow
- Menilai kinerja bisnis melalui financial analysis
- Menilai strategi perusahaan
1. Bussiness Analysis and Appraisal and Strategic Direction
- Components involved in comprehensive bussiness evaluation
- Understand the key drivers both external and internal, which create bussiness strategy
- Recognize the effects on cycles for different industries
2. Enviromental Analysis
- Industry analysis
- Evaluating key factors which drive an industry
- Examine the key success factor for an industry
- Linkage between the enviroment and economic cycles
- Porter’s five force
- Competitors analysis
3. The Corporate – Overview
- Consider the internal pressure on an bussiness
- Recognize the importance of vision and leadership
4. Informations Needs
- How to get and manage the informations needed for constructive analysis
- SWOT analysis
5. Analysisng Financial Statement
- Examining the profit and loss account]
- Manipulating profit to detriment of the balance sheet
- Analysis of bussiness performance
- Assets and financing structure
- Relationship between profit and cash
- Preparing and using cashflow statement & analysis to identify company position
6. Analysing, intepreting, and evaluating company reports
- The important of working capital management
- Trends in performance indicator
- Credit analysis
7. Financial Analysis – a managerial perpectives of value based management
- Cost volume profit analysis
- Cost determination
- Efficiency
8. Strategic Analysis – a managerial perpectives
- Strategic position and action evaluation
- Full structure risk analysis and forecasting financial statement
Menggunakan metode ceramah dalam memahami konsep dan latihan/ studi kasus dalam mendalami teknik aplikasinya. Peserta juga akan membuat action plan untuk menentukan rencana yang akan diterapkan setelah kembali ke dunia kerja
Staff, Supervisor dari bagian keuangan yang ingin mendapatkan pengetahuan yang lengkap tentang financial control management, serta finance managers atau financial controllers yang ingin memperdalam pengetahuan serta keahliannya
Imam Bintoro, SE., MSFin
3 days training
Time & Venue :
- September, 13th – 15th 2011
- Wisma MM UGM, Jl. Colombo No. 1 Yogyakarta
Course fee:
- IDR 6.750.000,- / participant (non residential)
- Special rate IDR 6.500.000,- / participant (non residential) for minimum 3 participants from the same company.
Registration should be made 5 days prior to the implementation of training.
Number of attendees must be in accordance with the number of participants registered