Supervisor Management & Leadership Skills
Jakarta | 06 – 07 November 2014 | Rp 3.000.000,-
Problem Solving dan Decision making untuk level supervisor, merupakan sebuah tanggungjawab dan tugas yang tidak mudah. Selain dibatasi oleh posisi dan wewenang, di sisi lain dibutuhkan input –input yang kreatif dari level Supervisor.
Oleh karena itu, program ini di desain secara praktis unbtuk memenuhin tuntutan kreatifitas para supervisor dalam mengambik keputusan dan memecahkan masalah secara efisien dan efektif.
Setelah pelatihan diharapkan setiap peserta mampu untuk :
- Memahami konsep Problem Solving dan Decision Making
- Mengembangkan kreatifitas dalam Problem Solving dan Decision Making
- Mampu mencari solusi yang terefektif dan terefisien dalam Problem Solving dan Decision Making
– Role and Expectations
- What your boss, employees, peers and senior management expect from you in your supervisory role
- Four basic management functions: planning, organizing, communicating, monitoring
– Managing a Diverse Workforce
- Diversity issues and how they affect you, your work unit and your company
– Filling Your Communication Skills Toolbox
- Advantages and disadvantages of one-way vs. two-way communication
- Capitalize on the benefits of e-mail
– Communications and Team Performance
- Demonstrate paraphrasing to check for content understanding
- Experience the impact of nonverbal communication
- Send harmonious messages
- How to ask questions that get the answers you really need
– Coaching for High Quality Performance
- Give and receive constructive criticism
- How to minimize defensiveness in yourself and others
- Demonstrate a ? ve-step coaching discussion model
– Creating a Motivating Environment
- The essentials of motivation
- Demonstrate rules for reinforcing productive behavior
– Taking Delegation, Performance and Team Development to the Next Level of Excellence
- Use delegation as a motivational tool
- Develop a strategy for solving a current employee motivational problem
– Managing Performance Appraisals
- Understand your company’s appraisal system
- Record-keeping and compliance issues
- Write a performance appraisal document
- Conduct an effective performance appraisal meeting
– Managing Time Effectively
- Key principles of effective time management
- Share time management best practices
- Five stages of managing meetings
– Planning for Continuing Growth
- Select and prioritize your own next steps
- Develop an action plan for continuing professional development
– Leadership for Supervisor
- Influence Collective Emotion
- Lead by Role Model
- Supervisory Coaching
- Ready to be Manager
- Ready to be co worker
Trainer : Ayok B Gunawan, MBA, M.Si, PhD
Beliau adalah lulusan Sekolah tinggi Akutansi Negara dan selanjutnya beliau mengambil gelar pasca sarjananya di University of South Australia setelah itu melanjutkan studinya di De la Salle University Philippines (M.SI Program), dan Yale University, Amerika Serikat , (Phd in People & Organization Development) dan melanjutkan kembali di Universitas Sorbonne, Perancis mengambil Certified Behavior Analyst Program. Adapun beliau pernah bekerja di British Council sebagai HR Manager, Price Waterhouse Cooper sebagai General of Manager Human Capital, Ernst & Young menjabat General Manajer Sumber Daya Manusia, di British American Tobacco beliau menjabat sebagai Direktur pemasaran dan terakhir beliau menjabat sebagai direktur teknik di Asia Development Centre. Adapun pengalaman dalam karirnya beliau pernah bergabung dalam ikatan konsultan Indonesia sebagai ketua bidang pengembangan dan di tunjuknya sebagai ketua proyek PRBO (Pengembangan Reformasi Budaya Organisasi) oleh Departemen Keuangan RI. Di BPPT beliau juga ditunjuk sebagai Ketua Pengembangan Champion Team BPPT ( LST; Leadership Strategic Thinking Development). Beliau juga pernah bekerja di Chevron Pacific Indonesia, Newcrest Gold Mining dan Kalimantan Pacific Ammonia sebagai official trainer for people Development . Pengalaman beliau dalam bidang pelatihan Cukup banyak, diantaranya 13 tahun di pengembangan sumber daya manusia dan ahli dalam pengembangan organisasi dan penguasaan dalam prilaku / psycho dan program neuro dan melakukan lebih dari 5000 jam pelatihan, dan mempunyai sertificate resmi dari Emotional Intelligence by Prof Daniel Goleman, Yale University Study Center,Talent Management by Prof. Michael A Potter, UK, Certified Behavior Analyst, Sorbonne University, France,Master Black Belt Six Sigma, de LaSalle University, Philippines adapun program pelatihan yang beliau berikan adalah sbb People Development, System & Procedure Development, ISO Specialist, Master Black Belt Six Sigma, Marketing Specialist , System & Procedure Development, ISO Specialist, Master Black Belt Six Sigma, Business Assessment, Performance Audit, Emotional Intelligence , Communication , Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, Neuro Semantic ( NLP 3rd Generation ), Behavior Analysis, Talent Management,HR Audit, Forensic Audit, Branch Management, human resources series, performance development series, communication series, sales & marketing , training development dan leadership development series.
Investasi :
Rp 3.000.000,- termasuk ( Souvenir, Flash disk, materi hand-out dan CD modul, 2x coffee break, makan siang dan sertifikat )
Tempat :
Hotel Harris Tebet, Jakarta Selatan