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Bandung | 02 – 03 September 2020 | Rp 4.500.000/ peserta
Bandung | 14 – 15 Oktober 2020 | Rp 4.500.000/ peserta
Bandung | 11 – 12 November 2020 | Rp 4.500.000/ peserta

Jadwal Training 2020 Selanjutnya …




Many organizations often fail, or perhaps stumble, in managing their suppliers. This is because the internal customer, or worse, someone else, is left to manage the selected suppliers, without perhaps realizing that they have to. There is, therefore, often little use of best practice regarding how a procurement relates to, or gets involved with the essential supplier management in the procurement process.

This course concentrates on the need for better supplier management, and improving supplier management. It gives guidelines on how to better manage contracts and develop suppliers.

This course will answers the questions : “What kind of relationship do I need with suppliers so I can get the best from them, and therefore the best for me ?”



  1. Give an understanding of the Key Concept of Supplier Management.
  2. Provide an ability to Qualify, Evaluate, Develop, Categorize, and make good relationship with Supplier.
  3. Give an understanding of Sourcing Strategies.



Day 1 :

  1. Introduction and Course Objectives
  2. Objectives of Supplier Management
  3. What is expected of Suppliers
  4. Supplier Service
    1. Definition of Supplier Service
    2. Total Supplier Service
    3. Supplier Satisfiers
    4. Supplier Perception
    5. The Important of Attitudes
    6. Supplier Complaints
    7. The Supplier Service focused Organization
    8. Benefits of Good Supplier Service
    9. Supplier Approach
  5. Suppliers View
    1. Handling Orders and Progressing and Delivery
    2. Payment
    3. Reviewing
    4. Power  and Kraljic
    5. Power and Economics
    6. Suppliers View
    7. Suppliers and Buyers View
    8. Getting The Best from Suppliers
    9. Behavior
    10. Behavior and Power on Leverage items-a special word
    11. Behavioral understanding and meeting needs
  6. Supplier Relationship Management
    1. Benefits of SRM
    2. The Role of Procurement Departments
    3. Effective Suppliers Relationship Management
    4. Contract Management by Non-Procurement People
    5. Balance Scorecard management System
    6. Procurement KPIs
    7. The Relationship Positioning Tool
    8. Review and Control of Long Term Contract
    9. Benchmarking
  7. Supplier Development
    1. Reasons for Supplier Development
    2. Various Supplier Development Approaches
    3. Selection of Suppliers
    4. Supplier Development Activities
    5. Supplier Development Categories
    6. Partner Approaches
    7. Progression in Relationships
    8. Supplier Development Practices
    9. Supplier Development Phases
    10. The Reactive Supplier Development Phase
    11. The Positive Supplier Development Phase
    12. The Strategic Supplier Development Phase

m. Supply-Based Strategies to maximize Supplier Performance

  1. Developing and Integrating Local Supplier
  2. Increasing Supplier Performance
  3. Direct Supplier Development
  4. Longer Term Deal are Better than Shorter Contracts

Day 2 :

  1. Supplier Qualification Process
    1. Basic Qualification
    2. Quality Management System Qualification
    3. Product Process Qualification
    4. Ready For Business Suppliers
  2. Value for Money Measurements and Metrics
    1. Commitment
    2. Flexibility
    3. Innovation
  3. Service Level Agreement
    1. The Stick Model
    2. The Carrot Model
    3. Wrath of the Customer Model
    4. Achieving Service Level Targets
  4. Supplier Categorization
    1. Strategic
    2. Preferred
    3. Valued
    4. Carefully Assess
  5. Sourcing Strategies
    1. The Nature of Sourcing Decision
    2. Different Types of Sourcing
    3. Sourcing Decision
    4. Sources Information on Potential Suppliers
    5. Supplier Evaluation
    6. Other Aspect of Sourcing
    7. Partnering
    8. Tiring of Supplier
  6. Supplier Rules of Engagement
  7. Supplier Marketing Protocol
  8. Supplier Orientation Guide
  9. Hosting Supplier Visit
  10. Summary

10. Closing the Course



Course is aimed at all those concerned with the intention to be a Supplier Management Expert :

  1. Employees
  2. Buyers/Purchaser
  3. Supervisors
  4. Managers



Ir. Muh. Arief Syarifudin, MBA, MM is graduated from Hochschule Konstanz University Of Applied Sciences Germany, and now he is a Procurement Manager at SIEMENS (PT. Siemens Industrial Power). He had experiences as the Procurement Manager and Trainer at several companies in Indonesia for more than 10 years. Beside this Training, Ir. Muh. Arief Syarifudin, MBA, MM also have experiences at some Professional working such as :

  • Procurement Management,
  • Vendor Management,
  • Supply Chain Management,
  • Strategic Management, and
  • Activity-Based Management

This much valuable experiences will be shared to the trainees in the course.



Bandung (Golden Flower, Banana Inn, Serela, Gino Feruci), Amaroossa Hotel, Noor Hotel, Grand Setiabudi Hotel, dll



2 days



  1. 02 Sep 2020-03 Sep 2020
  2. 14 Okt 2020-15 Okt 2020
  3. 11 Nop 2020-12 Nop 2020
  4. 02 Des 2020-03 Des 2020



  1. Rp. 4.500.000/person (full fare) or
  2. Rp. 4.250.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or
  3. Rp. 3.950.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)



  1. Training Module
  2. Flash Disk contains training material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. T-Shirt
  6. Backpack
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  9. Lunch and twice coffeebreak everyday of training
  10. Qualified instructor
  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)




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