The New Supervisor
Pusdiklat BULOG Lt 4, Jakarta | 25 – 26 Maret 2015 | Rp 4.000.000 /Participant
Pusdiklat BULOG Lt 4, Jakarta | 01 – 02 April 2015 | Rp 4.000.000 /Participant
Pusdiklat BULOG Lt 4, Jakarta | 16 – 17 Juni 2015 | Rp 4.000.000 /Participant
Pusdiklat BULOG Lt 4, Jakarta | 25 – 26 Agutus 2015 | Rp 4.000.000 /Participant
Jadwal Training 2015 Selanjutnya …
This course will improve the effectiveness of your supervisor. Just because a person is very a good at a job it does not mean that he or she will automatically be a good supervisor over former colleagues. Whilst a detailed knowledge of the workings of the job is vital, so are additional skills. This course is designed to help at the crucial stage of transition in preparing for promotion or in the difficult period after promotion into first line management by providing these important skills.
Recently promoted and potential supervisors
By the end of the course the supervisor will have :
- Examined their roles in their organizations
- Developed skills in problem solving and teamwork
- Improved their skills in communication effectively with their staff
- Improved their skills in human relations and handling staff
Role of the supervisor – Problem solving and teamwork – Communication – Supervisory style – Handling discipline and grievance problems. The program will be highly participative and will enhance the new supervisor’s knowledge, skills and confidence, vitally necessary to bridge the gap between employee and supervisor roles.
Lama pelatihan
16 Jam atau 2 ( dua ) hari kerja
Ir. Urip Sedyowidodo, MM
Beliau adalah pakar dalam bidang Industrial Relation dengan posisi saat ini sebagai anggota DPKN (Dewan Pelatihan Kerja Nasional) di Kemenakertrans. Pengalaman beliau selama lebih dari 22 tahun adalah praktisi HRD di perusahaan Multinational Company dan juga National Company dengan berbagai jenis industry diantaranya
CERES Group, ROYAL & SUN Alliance, ASTRA Financial Group, ASTRA Automotive Group and SONY Group. Pengalaman beliau dalam melakukan “dealing” dengan serikat pekerja telah memiliki jam terbang sangat tinggi.
Tanggal Training
- 25 – 26 Maret 2015
- 01 – 02 April 2015
- 16 – 17 Juni 2015
- 25 – 26 Agutus 2015
- 07 – 08 Oktober 2015
- 10 – 11 Desember 2015
Investment Fee:
- Rp 4.000.000 /Participant